04 May Las Cruces de Mayo (May Crosses Festival)
May is the month of flowers, vegetation and festivities; it is definitely a good month to travel to Spain and especially to Andalusia to discover its traditions! Indeed, many events take place in different cities and we are going to tell you about it during this month.
Let´s start with Las Cruces de Mayo (the May Crosses Festival), celebrated each year on May 3, in Latin America and Spain, but mostly in Andalusia. Even if the 3rd is the day of the festivity, many towns celebrate it all week-end long and sometimes even all month long. This celebration aims to welcome spring, to pay tribute to the nature and the fertility of the land.
This Sunday many cities should have been really festive. You obviously know that, with what´s happening right now, it has not been possible. However, people have been celebrating the Día de la Cruz (Cross Day) from their balconies and gardens. Spaniards have made their own cruces and hung decorations such as Manila shawls at their balconies. The festivity has been different this year, but Spanish people still have celebrated this special day.
What are Las Cruces de Mayo?
Las Cruces de Mayo are an explosion of color and fun in the cities, with places and streets filled with flowers. Even if each city has its own way to celebrate this day, flowers and music are for sure presents everywhere.
During Las Cruces de Mayo, altars are built in different places of the town. Each neighborhood association makes its own cruz (cross) with flowers and the preparation starts weeks before the D-day. The center of the celebration is obviously the cruz and most activities take place around it. People dance and sing around it. You can also observe all the elements such as ceramics and Manila shawls near the cruz.
They are also bars in the streets and near the cruces, where you can eat and drink tapas. That day is the perfect excuse to be in the street with the people you love, to enjoy the music, the folklore and the beauty of the city.
Roquetas de Mar´s Cross in 2017
If in Granada
In Granada it is considered one of the biggest festivities of the city. The city is crowded with people dancing in the street. Cruces use to be decorated with red carnations to respect the Granadan tradition. Elements such as flowerpots, guitars, Granadan craftwork and ceramics, are located around the cruz. One of the most important element is the scissors going through the pero (an apple), which symbolize the fact the cruz should not be criticized by anyone.
Each neighborhood has its own cruz, where all generations participate in the decoration. During the week, a contest takes place and at the end of the week, one of the neighborhood becomes the winner of the Cruz! Again, more reasons to celebrate!! This week end is also when the biggest bullfighters come to the city for the joy of bullfight lovers!
You should come to Spain next year in May, to enjoy this special day.